Date: 05/01/17

Alongside a chronological collection of all the Premier videos, this casually updated blog post is full of crap for your viewing pleasure and is available at all times under the Blog subcategory under Skateboarding in the navigation. All credit is linked for photos.

^ "V" 2016, a Premier film by Fausto Fernandez


^ "Postscript" - 2011, a Premier film by Pat Harney


^ "Grey Area" - 2005, a Premier film by Jerry Mraz


^ "Ten Cent Deposit" - 2004, a Premier film by Jerry Mraz / Eric Blanding


^ "The PS Video" - 2002, a Premier film by Eric Blanding


 ^ Zack May, Switch Crook. Photo: Jablonski

 ^ Eli Potter. Photos: Jablonski

 ^ Nelson Solivan, switch ollie. Photo: Jablonski

 ^ Derek Hoholik, 50-50. Photo: Jablonski

 ^ Photos: Jablonski

 ^ Matt Eggebeen, noseslide through the crust. Photo: Jablonski

 ^ Fausto Fernandez, pivot. Photo: Jablonski

 ^Nelson Solivan, boardslide. Photo: Jablonski

 ^Nelson Solivan, PremierMag Issue 1 - wallride/back tail. Photos: Jablonski

^ Josh Higginson, Big Rapids, big ups. Photo: Unknown

^ Chris Gray, ditch dodging in the Nevada desert, Photo: Higginson 

^ Eli Potter, ollie. Photo: Jablonski

^ Zack May, ride on 50. Photo: Gray


 ^ DJ Plummer, back 180 nosegrind. Photo: Jablonski 


^ Eli Potter, ollie. Photo: Jablonski

^ Nick Hartman with a fittingly gruesome front board. Photo: Gray

 ^ Teddy Seeley in PremierMag Issue 1. Collaborators: Blake Jablonski, Eli Potter, Fausto Fernandez, Brady Alberts.

^ Sean McMahon, ollie into bank. Photo: Jablonski 

^ Nelson Solivan, backside heelflip. Photo: Jablonski

^ Working angles, working dads, just working all around. Photo: Potter

^ Sean McMahon, switch flip. Photo: Jablonski


 ^ Flip The Switch flyer. Artwork: Jablonski


 ^ Sanchez, boneless. Photo: Jablonski

^ Talen Bartz, switch flip. Photo: Jablonski

^ Auttiesh Danger, backside blunt. Photo: Jablonski

^ Teddy Seeley, 50-50. Photo: Potter

^ Braydon Kavanaugh, tailslide. Photo: Jablonski 

^ Teddy Seeley, no comply. Photo: Potter

 ^ DJ Plummer (fakie ollie) and Caleb Allen. Photos: Jablonski

^ Josh Higginson, ditching down in Nevada, Photo: Gray

^ Nelson Solivan, wallie into bank. Photo: Jablonski

^ Billy Poore, pop over to back 50, ACSC 2012. Photo: Gray

^ Robby Amerine, gap to noseslide. Photo: Jablonski

^ Nelson Solivan, front boardslide. Photo: Jablonski

^ Louie Kostielney, kickflip. Photo: Jablonski

^ Talen Bartz, Historic Sixth Street Bridge. Photo: Gray

^ Joe Lanenga, ollie. Photo: Jablonski

^ Sean Mcmahon, snow kicker + wood + ollie + fuck winter. Photo: Gray

^ Braydon Kavanaugh, bluntslide. Photo: Jablonski

^ Sean McMahon, krooked to needle threader. Photo: Jablonski

^ DJ Plummer, wallie. Photo: Jablonski

^ Auttiesh Danger, nosegrind. Photo: Jablonski

^ Clown creepin' at Clemente. Photo: Gray

^ Jon Tod, boardslide. Photo: Jablonski

^ Teddy Seeley, boardslide. Photo: Jablonski

^ Joe Lanenga, frontside wallride. Photo: Jablonski

^ Andy Poole, front noseslide. Photo: Jablonski

^ Andy Weissenborn, down a hole somewhere outside Reed City. Photo: Gray

^ KJ Adams, frontside feeble. Photo: Jablonski

^ Caleb Allen, young and reckless. Photo: Potter

^ Ancient ruins, Grand Rapids, MI: Amphitheatre. Photo: Unknown

^ 90's squad, Grand Rapids, MI: Amphitheatre. Photo: Unknown

^ Sean McMahon, switch backside tailslide. Photo: Jablonski

^ Sean McMahon. Photo: Jablonski

^ Tyler Franz, drop in. Photo: McKendry

^ Nelson Solivan, backside nosebluntslide. Photo: McKendry

^ Eli Potter, Texas Plant. Photo: Jablonski

^ Greg Szudzik, wallride over bench. Photo: Callendar

^ Chuch & friends, stunts. Photo: Mom?


^ Tico Villa, frontside smith. Photo: McMahon

^ Eric Blanding, 90's era fakie flip. Photo: Unknown


^ Pablo Escobar, 49-93. Photo: McMahon

^ Sean McMahon, Switch Heel. Photo: Gray

^ Jon Higginson, all style. Photo: Josh Higginson

^ Andrew Chuchvara. Photo: Jablonski

^ SF trip/ childhood memorabilia. Photo: Unknown

^ OG shop, OG squad. Photo: Unknown

^ Auttiesh Danger, Chicago nosegrind. Photo: Gray 

^ Artifacts of the GR amphitheater, bench. Photo: Unkown